OfferNation-mini-logo Terms & conditions Terms

By using you agree to abide by the following terms and conditions.

Site Membership: Users must be at least 18 years of age or older to participate on our website. is made available for personal use only. One user may only operate one account. Creation of more than one account is considered fraud and will result in account termination. Only one account per household is allowed. This includes, but is not restricted to, accounts registered at the same address, accounts being operated from the same device, accounts being operated from the same premises, accounts using the same internet connection or IP address and any other action which we determine suggests a breach of this rule. Accounts cannot be shared and payment accounts such as Paypal, Payza, Moneybrookers, Netellers, etc., cannot be shared Members using Proxy, VPN, public internet connections, shared IP addresses or shared computers will also be banned. You must provide current and accurate information ( correct name and correct address ) upon registration for our Service. By agreeing to our terms and using the site you acknowledge that any breach of these terms will result in any accounts involved being banned automatically. Any account banned on the will result in any earnings and current balance on that account and any related accounts being forfeited. Termination of an account does not merit the creation of a new account. Any account banned will result in the person registering that account receiving a permanent ban from with any future accounts created being automatically banned with any earnings and current balance forfeited. You are only permitted to complete an offer once. If you are using other sites similar to and do the same offer there then this is considered fraud and will result in account termination. You are solely responsible for keeping your account and password confidential. Members are solely responsible for the payment and reporting of any local taxes that may be due in relation to any monies or prizes earned whilst using our Service. Duplication of offers across multiple networks or sites is not permitted and will result in a permanent ban.


Account Termination: We reserve the right to refuse membership without giving a specific reason. Further, we reserve the right to terminate your account and close your account without notice at any time.

Account Verification:We reserve the right to ask members for an address confirmation document at any time to confirm that a valid account has been registered. This can be done as part of account spot checks or where we feel it is required help reduce the risk of fraudulent activity on our site. Payment will be held until the member is fully verified or indefinitely if no address confirmation document is provided. By accepting our terms and site policy you acknowledge this information may be requested at any time and that failure to provide it will result no payment being due until it is received and verified. If the information for name/address verification provided does not match what is registered and held on the account then you acknowledge that the account will be terminated with the loss of any balance on the account. All members are required to complete our automated telephone verification phone call before they can withdraw their cash or points rewards. Telephone verification only needs to be completed once. Telephone verification is required on your first withdrawal only.

Shoutbox Rules - No spamming. No personal attacks or harassment including but not restricted to attacks against someones race, religion, politics, sex, sexual orientation, etc. No acts of harassment of a violent or sexual nature. For security, please only use English in the shoutbox. No solicitation. Do not discuss other similar websites. Do not discuss or make assumptions on anyone elses account or account status. Members who attempt to use foul language will be banned. Members using defamatory comments against the site or it's advertisers will be banned. Do not attempt to discover personal details regarding any of our members directly or indirectly. Treat everyone with respect. Any comments or opinions made in the shoutbox are those of person posting comments, and do not reflect the view or opinion of Moderators will take required action if they believe that any comments or activity in the shoutbox are against the best interests of the site, it's members or advertisers.

Use of Site and Materials: You may download material found or displayed on the Site for non-commercial, personal use only, as long as you do not remove any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the materials. You are not permitted to use, distribute, modify, transmit broadcast, publicly perform, re-post, or use any content from, including images, text, audio, or video, for public or commercial purposes without the prior written consent of 99 Ventures Ltd. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, all rights not specifically granted shall be reserved and remain always with the 99 Venture Ltd. Permission use material from the Site is not transferable. You acquire no rights or licenses in or to the site or materials contained therein other than the limited right to access and utilise the Site and Services in accordance with these Terms. Any unauthorised use of site and/or materials or any mis-representation of the site will result in account closure and loss of any balance held on the account.

Payments: Payment to members are processed at least once daily. Payment requests to an account held in any other name will be refused and the account held may be closed if those terms are breached. Payments can be held for up to 60 days to complete a verification check with our advertisers. If necessary, payments may require additional time in order to be processed. You, the member, understand and acknowledge that no payment shall be made to you or any other member until has received payment from its advertisers. Prior to payment, each account will be audited in order to insure that no fraud has taken place. will never be deemed as owing payment to any member, but will make payments only after verification of the legitimacy of an account and balance. We will cancel payments after 7 days to any Paypal account which has not registered, i.e, you provide us with an e-mail, but do not have an account. Additionally, we may remove payments or amounts from account balances if we deem it necessary. Any member found to be cheating our advertiser offers will be banned indefinitely, resulting in the forfeiture of all earnings. Any member found to be cheating our referral system or referral contests by providing fake or deliberately low quality referrals simple to win a contest or receive a bonus will also be banned indefinitely, resulting in the forfeiture of all earnings.

Referral Programme: Referrals must be obtained via legitimate sharing of refferal links. Brand bidding is strictly forbidden. This includes all site keywords, mis-spells etc. Anyone found to be bidding on any keywords directly related to the website, for example, superpay or, and any other similar name will have their referrals removed, and be banned permanently from the site. Any attempt to use our site name without authorisation will result in all referrals being removed and your account being closed. Permission for all paid search promotions is required. Failure to seek and receive approval will result in referrals from those campaigns being removed. Referral Commission will be paid at the level of 10% (effective 1st May 2024) to first level referrals only. reserve the right to remove, change or amend the level of referral commission at any time. reserve the right to withdraw the referral programme at anytime relating to both new and exisiting referrals. Notification of any referral programme changes will be made via the site news and referral page a minimum of 30 days prior to any change becoming effective.

Payments Via Skrill: If you wish to use skrill as a withdrawal option, please be aware the it can be only used for any earnings directly from participation in Market Research Surveys. Any earnings from trials, offers or other forms of online earning must be withdrawn using another service. If you intend to use skrill, then all other forms of earning should be avoided. By accepting these terms, the member accepts that any earnings from other services would have to be deleted and the balance removed from the members account balance prior to proceeding with a Skrill withdrawal. Any attempt to abuse Skrill for payments not connected to market research surveys would result in immediate account closure with the loss of any balance on the account.

Cash Contest Terms and Conditions. :
  • All cash contests are run for a period of 3 months unless otherwise stated.
  • The end date for the contest will be midnight (EST) on the last date shown on the contest.
  • Prizes will be awarded to the top 20 earners on our leaderboard as at midnight (est) on the last date of the contest.
  • Prizes will be automatically added to the winning accounts.
  • All members are automatically entered into the contest, but have the option to opt out at any time by raising a support ticket.
  • Members opting out will remain opting out of the current and all future contests unless they raise a support ticket to opt back in.
  • Excessive use of trial, gaming and gambling offers will be flagged by our system for security checks and accounts placed on hold for a verification check.
  • Accounts which are banned of flagged for either name/address, or offer verification check, will be excluded from any contests.
  • Details of the current prizes can be found on the leaderboard for the latest contest.
  • These prizes are fixed at the outset of each contest and will not be changed at any point prior to the end of the contest.
  • All accounts receiving a prize will be checked to ensure that they have not been involved in any fraudulent or similar activity.
  • Any member found to be cheating in the contest will be banned permanently from the contest and from the site.
  • Any member found to be cheating in the contest after the end of the contest will have the prize awarded removed from their account.


Dormant Accounts: In order to minimize our administration overhead, we reserve the right to terminate dormant accounts. In order to keep an account active we do not require you to complete offers, but we do require you to log in to your account at least once every 3 months ( 90 days )

SPAM & Unsolicited Emails: We operate a strict ANTI-SPAM policy. Any member found to be sending unsolicited emails (SPAM) to other members, forums and/or websites will be banned from our site and all funds generated by that member will be confiscated. We do not promote or condon this behaviour and we encourage all members to adher to our rules. Sending unsolicited emails is illegal. As a member of you are strictly prohibited from promoting our website and/or your referral link through unsolicited emailing (SPAM) or any other form of social media and communication. Our website will only send email messages to those registered members who "opt-in" to receive them. Under no circumstances will send unsolicited emails to our members.

Modification of Terms and Conditions: We reserve the right to modify any of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, at any time and at our sole discretion for any reason. Any changes will be posted on this site and a general notification made to all members. Continuing use of this site will be your acceptance of the change to the Terms & Conditions.

Privacy and Security Policy: We take your privacy very seriously. In order to protect you and your earnings, we hold only a minimal amount of data from you which are required to operate your account. We will also keep account details updated with commission earned. Users may update and amend account details at any time. It is the responsibility of the user to keep account log in details secure at all times. We cannot be held responsible for any unlawful access to a users account due to the intentional or unintentional compromise of user name password or other log in details.

Copyright: The name '' and our site is protected by copyright. You may not reproduce any part of the site or attempt to use any data contained on our site. You may not distribute or commercially exploit this site or any part of it. We reserve all other rights.

Unauthorised Use: Any unauthorised use of this site is forbidden. Any unauthorised use or suspected unauthorised use will be investigated and may result in your account being suspended or terminated. Termination of your account may cause the forfeiture of any earnings you have made with us. Unauthorised use includes tampering of web pages, modification of url's, hacking, spidering of web pages, running of automatic scripts or anything deemed to be abnormal use.

Indemnification: You agree to indemnify against any loss, liability, claim, demand, damage or expense (including legal fees) that may occur in connection with the use of this site. We take reasonable care and skill to ensure that the data provided on this site is accurate and up to date. However, we give no warranty of the accuracy of any information on the site and do not accept liability for any errors or omissions, neither do we accept liability for any resulting damage or loss.

Advertisements & External Links:We DO NOT accept any forms of casino/gambling, multi-level marketing, HYIP, illegal products, illegal services, illegal downloads, pharmacy, drug, weapons, hate speech or adult advertising on Any advertisments like this will be removed immediately upon notification. If you purchase advertising at our site then please be sure that you advertisement is permitted and within our rules. No refunds will be offered to advertisers who break our advertising rules. We link to many external sites including our offers. All external sites are out with the control of and we cannot be held responsible or accept any liability for any content on external sites. Furthermore we do not guarantee that external links will function all of the time. If you find any external links inappropriate or offensive please report those links via our contact page. Whilst we are happy for other sites to link to we do not permit our pages to be copied into or be loaded into frames hosted on other sites.

Disclaimer: is provided 'as is', without any representation or endorsement made and without warranty of any kind whether express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security and accuracy. We do not warrant that the functions contained in the material contained in this site will be uninterrupted or error free, that defects will be corrected, or that this site or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or represent the full functionality, accuracy, reliability of the materials. In no event will we be liable for any loss or damage including, without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage, or any loss or damages whatsoever arising from use or loss of use of, data or profits arising out of or in connection with the use of These terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of England. Any dispute arising under these terms and conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England. You hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the England courts in all disputes arising out of or relating to the use of this website. Use of this web site is unauthorised in any jurisdiction that does not give effect to all provisions of these terms and conditions, including without limitation this paragraph. If any part of this agreement is determined to be invalid or unenforceable pursuant to applicable law including, but not limited to, the warranty disclaimers and liability limitations set forth above, then the invalid or unenforceable provision will be deemed superseded by a valid, enforceable provision that most closely matches the intent of the original provision and the remainder of the agreement shall continue in effect.

In the event of site closure, merger, takeover or similar, the current terms and conditions will no longer be valid. Any agreements or commitments made under these terms will be terminated with immediate effect. This will include, but is not limited to, referral programmes, contests, promo codes, payment terms service agreements and payment agreements. In the event of a takeover or merger, new terms would be implemented and your continued use of the site would be under the new terms from the date of takeover or merger. is owned and operated by:

99 Ventures Ltd
Summit House
4-5 Mitchell Street, Edinburgh
EH6 7BD,
United Kingdom

Last Updated: 29 March 2024


  • 99 Ventures Ltd
    43 Berkeley Square, London
    Tel: 020 8150 3623
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